Flow capacity. Arrester easy to absorb energy, no series gap constraints, only the strength of the valve itself relevant. Comparison with silicon carbide valves, through-flow capacity of the oxide valve unit area of 4 to 4.5 times larger. Therefore, the use of such valves made of lightning, not only can limit atmospheric over-voltage, and can be used to limit the operating voltage, they can even withstand certain short duration (frequency) overvoltage.
Simple structure, small size, easy to mass production, low cost
For a variety of special needs. Metal oxide surge AC High Gradient MOV good stain resistance, not due to changes in the surface potential distribution is filthy coat or charged cleaning affect the performance of the arrester. Meanwhile, the air valve from the environment, can adapt to a variety of insulation media, it also applies to a variety of special needs high altitudes and 6 SF - enclosed appliances.
Surge arrester has a number of advantages, great potential for development, is the main direction of development of the world arrester, will gradually replace the traditional band gap metal oxide arresters, it will also be key to the future of UHV system overvoltage protection device.
Flow capacity. Arrester easy to absorb energy, no series gap constraints, only the strength of the valve itself relevant. Comparison with silicon carbide valves, through-flow capacity of the oxide valve unit area of 4 to 4.5 times larger. Therefore, the use of such valves made of lightning, not only can limit atmospheric over-voltage, and can be used to limit the operating voltage, they can even withstand certain short duration (frequency) overvoltage.
Simple structure, small size, easy to mass production, low cost.
For a variety of special needs. Metal oxide surge arresters good stain resistance, not due to changes in the surface potential distribution is filthy coat or charged cleaning affect the performance of the arrester. Meanwhile, the air valve from the environment, can adapt to a variety of insulation media, it also applies to a variety of special needs high altitudes and 6 SF - enclosed appliances.
Surge arrester has a number of advantages, great potential for development, is the main direction of development of the world arrester, will gradually replace the traditional band gap arrester, it will also be key to the future of UHV system overvoltage protection device.